Monday, December 31, 2012

Spider Lady modified

I changed the heart marks and lighting to make the butt feel more spherical and like it's actually attached to my sexy widow. I LOVE HER. I can't. I just. My love. It burns. 

And here she is.

Here is my plant lady. I love her. I need to name her. I can't even. How did I do this?! I love Passion Flowers. I just pulled colors from my reference and worked around that. *faints* Done in a little over an hour. Bweeeeeeee.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Here's a couple o' drawings.

Well here we have a mermaid. I love her tail. That is all.

Below There is a Widow. I noticed there are heart shaped markings on black widows, which is pretty ironic considering they devour their mates.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My pretty Naga lady.

Naga are known to look like a mix between a python and a cobra. They are a sign of wisdom. Also they can be evil like in World of Warcraft and are tainted and cursed by arcane magic so watch out guys. I'm thinking of making this one an OC of mine and actually like working on her more. But not this piece. With my damn finger, my art is looking a little elementary but like it doesn't hurt so I dun care. Enjoy. Can't wait for feline monster. Many days from now. 

Merry Christmas and sorry I'm late.

Howdy. I sprained my right ring finger earlier. I'm lucky I don't use that to draw much, but I'm having a hell of a time typing. Anyway, here's my [late] slime. Slimes are aggressive, gelatinous creatures. Someone fell in love with this one (for some reason) and made it his pet. Also, this reminds me of Larry the Snail. 
Naga coming soon.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

It has begun.

Finally, I have started yet another 30 day challenge. This one is the monster challenge. Some people call it the "monster girl challenge", but I couldn't decide if I wanted my monsters to be one gender or the other. So I'm doing both. Anyways, here's day one and two. Tomorrow is day three so look forward to that!

Harpies are known for being vicious, exclusively female, and magical. To reproduce, they rape male humans and when their hatchlings are born, they feed him to them. To attain a mate, food, shinies or really anything, they fight. The weakest die off eventually. I really wanted to draw one of the weaker harpies. Unlike other harpies, she does actually love her mate and will not feed him to her baby. Also unlike other harpies, she was only able to have one egg. She will love that egg.. I mean baby. She's probably going to die and her baby will be taken from her and taught the violent ways of the harpy packs. Anyway, besides that. I really just wanted to draw a sweet, non-evil harpy. I just like doing stuff like that.

Centaurs are known to have the trunk of a human, the body of a horse, and the strongest of the qualities of both species. What I discovered while studying the centaur ways is that they are created by magic, are gender-less  cannot reproduce, and are created for warfare. After war, mages would turn people into centaurs as punishment to mark them. The guy above was not evil.. I mean, he did bad things sometimes but like.. he was just turned into a centaur against his will because there is an evil sorcerer who is sadistic. So he is sad. Wah. 

That's all for tonight. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fear not.

Ok, so if any of you are concerned that I'm not getting any of the weekly assignments done, I have at least put thought into them and just have not executed my ideas. Also, I have been getting an excessive amount of homework from other classes and such and I'm also quite stressed with all of my other personal projects and monster sculptures. Sorry I haven't been able to deliver. Also my scanner is still not working.

Also, I may get a car this weekend or the next. And I applied for some jobs near my Nonita's house. Just letting you all know. Don't worry O_O Nothing bad has happened to my motivation. I am just having a little bit of a time management spin and I've had to choose certain projects over others, sadly.

I will do all of the assignments though so worry not, my comrades.

Friday, September 14, 2012

BJD Doll Progress


feet almost finished

Thighs profile

Thighs front

Week One: Fantasy

Here's my first drawing. I'm quite proud of that shield and the horse body.
 I've never drawn a horse. Yay for my very first centaur! Sad for no color.
I left my paints in San Jose *cries*
Also there are some strange proportions in there.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Some rambling and challenging.

Day 18: A couple
I just.. I just couldn't wait. I've been planning this picture for like.. seventeen days. And.. *cries* I love it. It is possible I will submit sketches tomorrow. Potentially. Since I won't be doing the challenge tomorrow (because I did tomorrow's day today), I will have time to do other things while babysitting my siblings who love to behave and be nice to me. Right? Right? T_T ok I'm going to bed now.

Hot chocolate

Day 17: Your favorite holiday.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 16: Something that represents your favorite song. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Kya: Dark Lineage

Day 15: A character from your favorite video game
I only wish they made a sequel. I love Kya. She's so powerful. I kicked some Wolfen butt when I played.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 13: A group picture

I'm not exactly please about this one, but it will suffice. 


Kirk in the firelight. 

The Missing Days

Day 9: Your favorite cartoon character. I couldn't decide.

Day 10: Something you couldn't live without. 

Day 11: Your favorite food. That is sushi. Not a teacup.

Day 12: An inanimate object.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 9 coming soon

I already drew day 9. I have yet to scan and/or photograph and post the picture so stay tuned. It will probably come tomorrow. I'm going camping so if I don't post after tomorrow until Monday, don't be alarmed. I am not dead. Good night everyone.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 8

Day 8: Something with your favorite color
Well, I don't have a favorite color. I like a lot of colors. Here are some of the colors that I like on
a random line drawing of a beach girl I did. Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 7

Day 7: My Family

Art Challenge Days 1-6

Day 1: Yourself
I entered a 30 day art/drawing challenge. Here are the first six. I'll upload the seventh later tonight. (Today is day 7). 

Day 2: Someone you like (significant other, celebrity, etc.)
Day 3: One, some, or all of your friends

Day 4: An animal you think is really cute
Day 5: Your favorite outfit
Day 6: Something you've never drawn before

The Beginning

First post! My name is Rachael Borch. I am entering my second year as an animation/illustration student at San Jose State University and I'm more motivated than ever. Surprisingly, my dog days were at the beginning of the summer and I'm starting to pick up my feet now that I'm nearing the fall. My main influence and the reason I wanted to get into animation is my high school multimedia teacher, Bill Campbell. He also introduced me to the work of my greatest art influence: Patrick Smith. I've been drawing for a long time, even if it doesn't always look like it. I welcome all followers! Thank you. 
