Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 7

Day 7: My Family

Art Challenge Days 1-6

Day 1: Yourself
I entered a 30 day art/drawing challenge. Here are the first six. I'll upload the seventh later tonight. (Today is day 7). 

Day 2: Someone you like (significant other, celebrity, etc.)
Day 3: One, some, or all of your friends

Day 4: An animal you think is really cute
Day 5: Your favorite outfit
Day 6: Something you've never drawn before

The Beginning

First post! My name is Rachael Borch. I am entering my second year as an animation/illustration student at San Jose State University and I'm more motivated than ever. Surprisingly, my dog days were at the beginning of the summer and I'm starting to pick up my feet now that I'm nearing the fall. My main influence and the reason I wanted to get into animation is my high school multimedia teacher, Bill Campbell. He also introduced me to the work of my greatest art influence: Patrick Smith. I've been drawing for a long time, even if it doesn't always look like it. I welcome all followers! Thank you. 
